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Seven Songs to Kick Off Your Saturday!

MGMT - "Electric Feel"
This song is really more like a feel good anthem. Every time I hear it I just have to get up and do something. If you're cleaning up this Saturday this song will be sure to motivate you to get things done. 

Krewella - "Alive"
You can't help but love the melody of this song. The catchy lyrics and upbeat tempo is perfect for a late night dance party or if you just want to grab some friends and dance around your living room.

Grimes - "Genesis"
This video is downright awesome and offers quite a lot of style inspiration. Grimes has been on the scene for quite some time and with catchy melody's like this she's not going anywhere anytime soon. 

Austin Brown - "Menage A Trois"
Newcomer Austin Brown's catchy melody is sure to make want to you move your feet this morning. Oh, and if you need some new dance moves Austin provides plenty of those in this music video.

Lana Del Rey - "Blue Jeans"
Definitely one of the top songs last year. And while you may not think that this song is "catchy" per se you have to admit that there is something about this video that will make you want to watch it again. 

Linkin Park - "Lost In The Echo"
Guess what? They're back and better than ever. This video was really well done, and while I'm not entirely sure what's going on the heartfelt lyrics from this song definitely make you want to hear more.

Eve 6 - "Curtain"
This video was so cool that I couldn't help but share it. Not only is the beat catchy, but Matt did all of this in one take while walking backwards! I had to watch it again after I saw it the first time! 

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